62b North St,
Sudbury, CO10 1RE


01787 372825

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are used to correct improper alignment of joints or vertebra.

When a joint isn’t moving correctly, it leads to inflammation and breakdown of the joint. The breakdown of the joint then leads to breakdown of the disc. The disc deforms and distorts the opening where the nerve exits the spine at that joint which can cause pressure or irritation of the nerves in that immediate area.

Chiropractic back adjustments restore the normal spinal movement reducing this nerve irritation and pressure. Restoring movement also has a profound effect on how the brain perceives positional sense from the spine which in turn affects the brain’s signals to the entire body.

The Top Ten benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment

1. Blood Pressure

According to a study in The Human Journal of Hypertension, chiropractic adjustments could have the same effects as certain blood pressure medications.

The results of this study showed that adjustment effects would continue for six months after the treatment.

Side effects of high blood pressure medications can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Weight loss

It might be worth looking into if an adjustment has a similar effect to these medications.

Patients with low blood pressure can also benefit from adjustments.

Reference: UChicago Medicine

2. A Chiropractic Adjustment Can Help With Lower Back and Neck Pain

Chiropractic is probably best known for treating these conditions. Most of us have experienced lower back pain at some point in our lives.

Back and neck pain is often treated with medications and surgery, but these options are often ineffective, dangerous and expensive.

A chiropractor can help you reduce neck and back pain using non-invasive adjustments. The cost of chiropractic treatment for back pain is typically lower than any other treatment options.

Reference: In daily practice, manual therapy is a favorable treatment option for patients with neck pain compared with physical therapy or continued care by a general practitioner.

3. Scoliosis

Scoliosis refers to an unusual spine curvature condition which can lead to pain and an abnormal posture. It may also reduce your range of motion and affect breathing.

There are few treatment options available for most scoliosis sufferers. This is where a chiropractic adjustment can help scoliosis sufferers.

Combining chiropractic treatment with physical therapy can help to prevent the development of scoliosis. Although the effectiveness of this option will vary from one patient to another, it can be very effective.

4. Sciatica

Sciatica is a condition where damage to or pressure on the sciatic nerve causes chronic pain radiating from the lower back and down the legs.

Chronic pain like this can often lead to excessive use of medications. Your sciatica can be relieved by reducing pressure on the sciatic nerve with chiropractic treatment.

Patients who have chiropractic adjustments show a reduction in the amount of days that they experience pain and the severity of the pain is also reduced according to studies.

Dr Nothling is very experienced and successful in treating Sciatica.

5. Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a major cause of joint problems, pain and tension. Many diseases have been linked to chronic inflammation, including heart disease, cancer and chronic pain.

According to studies, Chiropractic adjustments reduce inflammation which may relieve chronic lower back problems, reduce muscle tension and provide joint relief. A reduction of inflammation in turn reduces the risk of getting diseases linked to inflammation.

6. Headache Relief

Misalignment of the spine or back can lead to muscle tension and pain which results in tension headaches as well as migraines.

Chiropractic care is renowned for treating headaches which is the most common problem chiropractors treat after back pain. Over 200 studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness and benefits of chiropractic adjustments in headache relief.

This study indicates that chiropractic adjustment is effective in treating recurring headaches in children aged 7 to 14 years.

7. Improved Symptoms for Neurological Conditions

Exciting research is using upright MRI scans to show how various brain-based disorders can be affected by upper cervical adjustments. The results we’ve seen are quite amazing. Researchers are observing that MRI scans show that cerebral fluid and blood flow have increased markedly after a chiropractic adjustment. This can benefit those with neurological disorders like epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.

Also, cerebellar vagination (when cerebellum falls below the skull line) is being reversed. Brain plaquing is also disappearing in multiple sclerosis patients. There is also evidence to support the use of chiropractic care to treat vertebral subluxation, which contributes to seizures and epilepsy.

A study showed that 15 children who received chiropractic treatment for their upper cervical problems had positive results. According to the study, “Chiropractic care may represent a nonpharmaceutical health care approach for pediatric epileptic patients.

8. Children’s Health Benefits

Children’s chiropractic care can improve some conditions affecting infants and young children such as colic. Colic is a condition that causes infants great abdominal discomfort due to a gas build up. This leads to excessive crying by the child and very exhausted parents. Infantile colic can be improved with chiropractic adjustments.

Studies conducted on the efficacy of chiropractic adjustment on infants suffering from colic concluded that “chiropractic manual therapy improved crying behavior in infants with colic”

9. Improvement in Athletic Performance

The body can be in great shape if it is free from inflammation and pain. For athletes, who depend on their bodies to perform, this is particularly important.

Professional athletes and sports teams often hire chiropractors to help reduce tension and pain as well as help speed up recovery from sporting activities. Achieving alignment can help reduce inflammation and increase performance.

10. Vertigo

Excessive dizziness caused by vertigo can make it very difficult to perform ordinary daily tasks. Simply getting out of bed may be impossible due to the room spinning from vertigo. Vertigo often presents after sustaining a neck or head injury.

Vertigo is most commonly associated with middle ear problems but Chiropractic adjustments can be used to correct problems when the vertigo is related to the incorrect movement of any vertebrae and joints. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore your natural balance due to spine or neck misalignment.

In Conclusion

A chiropractic adjustment or treatment is a wonderful way to enhance multiple aspects of your health.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

Yes, as numerous studies have repeatedly shown, Chiropractic enjoys an excellent track record of safety. A New Zealand study recently concluded: “Chiropractic adjustments are remarkably safe. “


Will adjustments make my spine too loose?

No, Chiropractors are very specific in what bones they move and why. Only those joints that are not moving correctly are adjusted. The segments that are moving correctly are not mobilized. Areas where there is too much movement are usually addressed through exercise or changing the way a patient moves to restore normal stabilization for that joint.


How many adjustments will I need?

The number of adjustments will vary with each patient depending on the type of condition treated and how long it’s been there. The age of the patient and the individual health goals of the patient also plays a big role.

Patients often feel a relief after the first few adjustments. In the beginning, the treatments are usually more frequent (first 2 visits are usually within a week of each other) but this usually becomes far less frequent as the condition stabilizes.


Why would a newborn get adjusted?

Childbirth methods including the introduction of drugs to induce mothers, the use of instruments to pull the baby from the birth canal, c sections and even natural childbirth may all affect the baby’s spine.

Unusual crying, colic, poor appetite or erratic sleep patterns may all be signs of spinal misalignment.

Adjustments given to a baby are very gentle and involves no more pressure than one would use to test the ripeness of a tomato.

It is knowing exactly where and how to apply that pressure that achieves the correction safely and effectively.


Can I adjust myself?

No, making a joint “pop” is not an adjustment!

Adjustments are specific and take years to master. Even a chiropractor has to consult another chiropractor to get his/her back adjusted.


Isn’t some back pain normal?

With the prevalence of pain, especially back pain in our society, one may be forgiven for thinking that it is normal. But no, it’s not normal. Pain is the body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong.

Now, you can relieve the pain by numbing it with medication, but if a problem isn’t resolved, the underlying problem may get worse and become more problematic to correct later on.

Not every ache and pain needs to be seen as the body is pretty resilient and self-healing, but pain that tends to stay for extended periods or comes back periodically, probably needs to be looked at.


Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery?

Yes, the areas that have been modified surgically are usually avoided when adjusting.

The areas above and below the surgery often compensate for the alteration and having these areas adjusted often brings tremendous relief.

The type of treatment will also be catered to the condition being treated. Many of these techniques are very gentle.